Mother Nature needs her daughters

I am Evguenia, the Traveler Scientist. My mission is to spread scientific knowledge in order to help create a healthier and more sustainable world for all of us.

I was born in Russia, but I lived in Argentina since I was 5 years old.

I am a doctor in Biochemistry, and since 2015 I am dedicated to scientific communication. I work as a freelance scientific editor and writer. I share scientific knowledge about health optimization and sustainability in a way that everyone can understand.

I also train scientists in effective communication, I’m the program leader of the Medical Writing Organization (MWO) and co-editor of the Medical Writing journal.

Since 2017, I made traveling around the world and working remotely, my lifestyle.

Recently, I have been selected to be part of Homeward Bound  a leadership program for women in science with the ambitious goal of creating a global network of 1,000 women scientists empowered to face climate change and save our planet. And soon we are going to Antarctica to help our Mother Nature!

Share this trip with me, and I hope my story inspires you!

Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

my fundamentals

Here you will find


Health optimization

The time has come to optimize our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health by using science and technology to become a better version of ourselves. We have the ability to maximize our biological and mental performance by controlling external variables such as nutrition, sleep quality, stress, environmental toxins, dietary supplements, exposure to sunlight and artificial light, medicinal plants, etc.

The objective is to work with Mother Nature, not against her, taking the reins of our health and wellbeing, creating natural and sustainable health.


Sustainability & climate change

At a time when climate change is irreversible, we must ask ourselves what footprint we are leaving on this planet, for our wellbeing and that of future generations. Individual habits such as the use of plastics, choices of means of transport, our diet and excessive consumerism do not seem to have a global impact, but if millions of people act in the same way, the change is exponential.

If we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem.


Scientific communication

Research and creation of scientific knowledge are the cornerstones of human development. Colleagues around the world dedicate their time and effort to explain the world, our physiology, the consequences of our habits and the possibilities of change. The application of scientific knowledge helps meet basic human needs and improve our quality of life on this planet.

We rely on science to create a healthier and sustainable future.



Scientists understand the complex language of science, and therefore we have the responsibility to translate this knowledge so that others can understand and benefit from it. People have trust in us and our voice because they care about what we have to say. Our challenge is to communicate that scientific knowledge efficiently so that the message lands in a way that creates change.

I accept the challenge of communicating scientific knowledge about health and the environment and amplifying the voices of more scientists.

Like Martin Luther King, “I have a dream.” Mine is to live in a healthy and sustainable world. As a scientist and communicator, I have the tools and feel the responsibility of spreading scientific knowledge about health and sustainability so that we can all live in a better world.

My mission: to ensure a future for all by inspiring and empowering people to make significant changes towards a happy, healthy and sustainable life.

My values: challenge, connection, communication, knowledge, self-development and awareness.

Don't look for your dream job. Create it!


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 “You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make​.

– Jane Goodall


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Soy Evguenia Alechine, la Científica Viajera. Mi misión es comunicar el conocimiento científico a todos para ayudar a crear un mundo más saludable y sustentable.

I am Evguenia Alechine, the Traveler Scientist. My mission is to spread scientific knowledge to everyone to help create a healthy and sustainable world.